Friday, 31 August 2012


How the Navy Taught Its Engineers About Them New Fangled Computer Machines Back in 1962

Guy Called the Cops Because His Spicy McChicken Was Too Spicy

According to reports out of China, a man in Guangzhou phoned the police because he thought the Spicy McChicken he ordered was too darn spicy.

After getting his food, the man sat down and took a bite. Website The Nanfang reports that the man seemed surprised by his sandwich, so he called over a McDonald's employee to take a bite. Then, supposedly, the hot-mouthed man called the police!
When the police arrived, the officer tried to get the man to calm down. The McDonald's even went the extra mile, giving him a cola and some grilled chicken legs.
As The Nanfang points out, most people online in China think this guy has mental problems (or maybe he just thought he ordered a regular McChicken?), but did note that he was able to score two meals for the price of one. Don't forget internet fame—he got that, too!


Taiwan minister says men should sit down to urinate

A Taiwanese minister has caused widespread debate on hygiene by suggesting that men should sit down while urinating instead of standing up.
Stephen Shen, Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) minister, said that sitting on the toilet like women do creates a cleaner environment.
This has generated a lot of online debate, says the BBC's Cindy Sui.
Officials are to ask local governments this week to put up notices in public places advising men to sit.
While many women in social media websites favour the suggestion, a lot of men say it would be hard to stop doing what they are used to, our correspondent in Taipei adds.
But EPA officials insist that it can be done.
"We want to learn from Japan and Sweden," said Yuan Shaw-jing, EPA director general of environmental santitation and toxic substance maintenance.
"In Japan, we heard 30% of the men sit," he added.
Inspectors regularly grade Taiwan's estimated 100,000 public toilets, with most of receiving high marks. But EPA officials say there is room for improvement, as some toilets are still smelly because of urine spatter.
While the agency said that it cannot force men to change their habits, it will ask local governments this week to put notices in public toilets with the suggestion.
As for Mr Shen, the EPA confirmed that he himself practices what he suggests - at home and while using public toilets.

Football 365 mediawatch
Non-Football Story Of The Day
'A tourist who was declared missing and the subject of an intense police search had no idea she was missing, and in fact took part in the search itself. The story began on Saturday, Morgunblaðið reports, when a woman who was described as "Asian, about 160cm, in dark clothing and speaks English well" was declared missing somewhere in the vicinity of Eldgjá, in south Iceland. The search went on throughout the weekend, with no sign of the woman found. However, yesterday morning, she was reported found - and had no idea she was missing in the first place.

'This was apparently the result of a misunderstanding regarding her appearance. While it was initially reported that she had stepped off the bus at Eldgjá and never returned, in fact she changed clothing before getting back on the bus. To make matters more surreal, she had even taken part in the search, without realising at first that she was the one people were looking for. Eventually, it occurred to her that she could very well be the "missing person" being described, and reported the matter to the police. The search was called off shortly thereafter' -

'A man aiming to start hoax rumours of a Bigfoot sighting in the United States was run over and killed as he stood in the road trying to startle drivers. He was wearing a camouflage suit and would have been hard to see, said police in Montana. The man was hit by one car as he stood facing traffic, and second one hit him as he lay in the road after the impact. Police said Randy Lee Tenley (44) of Kalispell may have been drinking but are awaiting tests. He was trying to make people think he was Sasquatch so people would call in a Sasquatch sighting," trooper Jim Schneider said.

"You can't make it up. I haven't seen or heard of anything like this before. Obviously, his suit made it difficult for people to see him. He probably would not have been very easy to see at all." Mr Tenley was struck by vehicles driven by two girls, ages 15 and 17, who were unable to stop in time, police said' - AP.

India vagina gel: 'Why the hell should you be tightening anything?'

Chocolate may protect the brain from stroke

Chocolate might not be the healthiest thing for your waistline - but research suggests it may protect against stroke.
A study following more than 37,000 Swedish men showed those eating the most chocolate were the least likely to have a stroke.
It follows on from other studies that have suggested eating chocolate can improve the health of the heart.

Procrastination: Readers' tales of epic time-wasting

A friend of mine, who I'll call "Dave" (because that was his name) said he would do anything to avoid A-level revision. At one point he infamously found himself weighing the cat, convinced that he would only be able to settle down to work if he had that data to hand. As a result, some 25 years later, the act of procrastination is referred to by my family as "weighing the cat". Ian Whitten, Sittingbourne, Kent

I am a teacher, I once left a set of books unmarked for so long I was embarrassed to give them back to the students yet again unmarked. So I hid them, then went into the classroom and told them they had been stolen. Sonia, London

I bought a book called 52 Steps To Defeating Procrastination. I've still never read it - it was over 10 years ago, and I'm not even sure where it is now. Craig, Bedfordshire, UK

I started up the Stirling University Procrastination Society in 1980. It was a resounding success. Not one person bothered to return their registration form on time and we never got round to holding any meetings. Well done us. Yay!JohnB, Berkshire

is this the fastest kick it the world?

By the time I'd made it to college, I thought I had a pretty good handle on what qualities I found attractive in a woman. I like my women like I like my coffee; hot, just a little bit sweet, black, (but I'm also fine if it's tan, or white [I often put too much milk into my coffee, but that's okay]), likes movies, tells funny jokes, watches too much television, appreciates my funny funny dances, is impressed with how fast I am, and gets along well with my dog.
 The perfect cup of coffee/...woman?
(I'm not great at metaphors.)
My point is that, by a certain age, I thought I knew the basic, superficial things that I found attractive in a person. "No more surprises in the attractiveness department," was a phrase I probably said out loud.
Then all of that changed. One night, I was on a double date with my buddy and some women that he knew from a place, (I'm not great at remembering details). We went to the beach, because that's where poor people go when they want to be romantic. This particular beach had a bunch of large rocks, and because I wanted to impress my date, (and because I'm crazy good at climbing and jumping), I spent some time climbing and subsequently jumping from rock to rock. In accordance with a clause in the tenuous laws that balance the universe, I'm not actually allowed to be impressive in front of women, so naturally I slipped off one of the rocks and sliced the ever-loving crap out of my hand.
"Nah, I'm fine, baby, I like it better this way. So, like what's your sign?"
I tried to walk it off like I was fine, as if bleeding was just one of the cool guy tricks I'd perfected after years of practice, and that everything would be okay if everyone would just promise not to look at me, but my date calmly washed the wound, and before I could say anything else, she ripped a long shred of cloth from the t-shirt I was wearing with her bare hands and made a makeshift tourniquet out of it. She wrapped it tight around my hand and, when I winced, said "Don't be a pussy."
And that's when I figured out Yes. That. I am also looking for that in a woman.
The first beat was "Wow, that was hot" and the second beat was "Really? I'm into that? Huh." That sort of thing happens all the time in life. You think you know what you're looking for, and then someone will do something that'll make you realize, for the first time, that you're extremely attracted to that particular thing. Previously, I had no idea that the kind of woman who could completely Rambo a shirt and then make fun of me was attractive to me, but after that night, obviously of course it was always true.
It's when something both surprises and arouses, and I'd like there to be a word for this.

Read more: 4 Words That Someone Should Have Invented by Now |

Annoying, Speed-Related Car Thing

#2. Hatred: Confirmed

#1. Horizon Blockers



Signed, sealed, undelivered

Hu Seng /Europics
A romantic prankster almost suffocated when he mailed himself to his girlfriend in a sealed box - and got lost in the post.
Hu Seng, from Chongqing city, southern China, paid a courier firm to deliver him to partner Li Wang as a joke.
But couriers mixed up the address and instead of 30 minutes in the sealed box, gasping Seng was trapped for nearly three hours.
By the time the package finally arrived at his girlfriend's office, where a friend was waiting to record her surprise on camera, Seng had passed out and had to be revived by paramedics.
"I didn't realise it would take so long," admitted Seng. " I tried to make a hole in the cardboard but it was too thick and I didn't want to spoil the surprise by shouting."
A spokesman for the courier commented: "If he'd told us what he was doing at the start we would not have taken the parcel.
"Even when we accept animals they have to go in special containers so they can breath."

Naked salute for Harry group takes off

Naked salute /Facebook
More than 20,000 people have joined a Facebook group encouraging army personnel to strip in support of Prince Harry.
The group, entitled 'Support Prince Harry with a naked salute!', features users of the social network posing in various states of undress saluting the third-in-line to the throne.
Strategically placed props including union flags, backpacks and teddy bears have been used to preserve group members' modesty.
"If you have served or are serving in the military I want to see a naked salute in support of Prince Harry," explains the group's description.
"Please cover your crown jewels, tag yourself in your photo as proof of your support to the nations favourite royal!"
The group was set up in response to leaked pictures, first published by a US website, showing the prince naked in his hotel suite in Las Vegas.

'I was arrested for being a spy' - Worst homework excuses revealed 

Stories involving fictitious dogs eating pretend pieces of homework are being ditched by students favouring far more imaginative excuses involving ghosts and international espionage.

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Being declared dead, erupting volcanoes and the outbreak of civil war are just some of the unbelievable excuses that British lecturer John Curry has heard from students over the last 14 years.
The City of Bath College computer expert said many of the unusual, but mostly legitimate, explanations for not completing work were from students looking for 24 hour extensions.
'Some of the excuses seem pretty improbable, but when you have someone's death certificate in their hands, you have to accept their excuse,' Mr Curry told the Times Higher Education Supplement.
One student even claimed he had wrongly been arrested for being a Chinese spy before being released just in time to plead for a deadline extension.
Another was granted an extension because the Indian government had attempted to seize his home after he had been declared legally dead.
'I was grieving over the death of my World Of Warcraft character, was another excuse offered by one misguided pupil. 
However one student did manage to gain some extra time after convincing the lecturer they were bring spooked by a ghost.
'That person genuinely believed there was a ghost and I actually accepted their word and gave them a few more hours,' he explained.
'I'm actually more sympathetic to someone who just says "I have not done the work" because they are being honest. I might give them a few more hours. 
'However, that is very, very rare - it's only happened on one occasion.'
The lecturer also said that previously accepted excuses relating to IT mishaps were no longer likely to be accepted.
'Students are told to back up their work, and universities now have extensive IT facilities if something happens,' he said.
'Some of the excuses are just [a way] to stall for 24 hours. If you go on social media, you can improve your mark marginally by just picking up on the gossip about a paper.
'I think lecturers are more aware that undergraduates communicate with each other like this.'

Read more:

Wheel Clamp Man to the rescue
Wheel Clamp Man /Rex
A mystery caped crusader who calls himself Wheel Clamp Man has been hailed a hero by motorists for setting free their cars.
The man, who sports a green lycra costume with multi-coloured socks and black Speedo trunks, uses an angle grinder to remove wheel clamps.
Wheel Clamp Man, who has been helping motorists in the Australian city of Perth for weeks, was inspired to act after he was clamped himself.
"I went to a car park, pulled in, couldn't see any signs, and I must have walked less than 100 yards and I was clamped," he told a local newspaper. "It was a con because they were watching."
He took his inspiration from Britain's Angle Grinder Man who wore a blue leotard and removed clamps in London and Kent almost a decade ago.
"I'm helping people out," he said. "I don't feel I'm damaging property.
"The amount of money these companies make off innocent people is insane. Where does that money go? Not into car parks or safer streets. It goes into their pocket."
In return for saving motorists a £90 release fee, he asks for a small donation which he reportedly gives to the homeless.
However, the motorists' superhero has been described as a menace by police.
A Western Australia police spokesman said: "He is committing the offence of criminal damage. We will deal with him."

Jacko copies Fredo

Canadian couple adopt pool and pub-loving grizzly bear Billy

Grizzly bear Billy is used to being treated just like one of the family- enjoying nothing more than watching TV with his adopted parents and joining them on trips to the local pub.

Related Tags:
Mark Dumas, Billy the Bear, CanadaMark and Dawn Dumas enjoying a game of pool with Billy the grizzly bear at their local pub in Langley, Canada (Picture: Barcroft)

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Friday, 24 August 2012

If you are too drunk to drive, get on your horse


Yes Marstons are offering a free pint basically for a valid email address 

Simply click through the link, on the home page click the sign up button on the 'we would like to treat you to a FREE drink' banner, enter your post code, select your local, fill in your details & print the voucher! Don't have a printer? Show them it on your smartphone! 

Fancy a free bar crawl? I have 10 pubs within a 10 mile radius doing this offer. 10 email addresses and a free 10 pint pub crawl! Result. 

I should say I found this offer on the useful website HUKD


The top jokes were:
  • 1. Stewart Francis - "You know who really gives kids a bad name? Posh and Becks."
  • 2. Tim Vine - "Last night me and my girlfriend watched three DVDs back to back. Luckily I was the one facing the telly. "
  • 3. Will Marsh - "I was raised as an only child, which really annoyed my sister."
  • 4. Rob Beckett - "You know you're working class when your TV is bigger than your book case."
  • 5. Chris Turner - "I'm good friends with 25 letters of the alphabet… I don't know Y."
  • 6. Tim Vine - "I took part in the sun tanning Olympics - I just got Bronze."
  • 7. George Ryegold - "Pornography is often frowned upon, but that's only because I'm concentrating."
  • 8. Stewart Francis - "I saw a documentary on how ships are kept together. Riveting!"
  • 9. Lou Sanders - "I waited an hour for my starter so I complained: 'It's not rocket salad."
  • 10. Nish Kumar - "My mum's so pessimistic, that if there was an Olympics for pessimism… she wouldn't fancy her chances."

some of the jokes in the comments

  • 361.

    Two cow's discussing bovine disease.
    One says to the other, 'Are you worried about this mad cow issue?' The other one says, 'Why should I, I'm a duck.'

    Comment number358.

    A man tries to enter a nightclub with an open shirt but the bouncer says "I can't let you in without a tie". The man returns five minutes later with a set of car jump leads tied around his neck, The bouncer looks him over and says "OK, you can go in now... but don't start anything"

    Comment number309.

    It was really hard overcoming my addiction to the hokey cokey. But I turned myself around and that’s what it’s all about.

    Comment number267.

    I took the shell off of my racing snail to see if it went any faster.

    If anything though, it just made it more sluggish.
Non-Football Story Of The Day
'A gang of pink sari-wearing vigilantes who thrash wife-beating husbands are taking on Bollywood in a row over a movie over their exploits in northern India. The Gulabi Gang - or Pink Gang - dispense instant justice with hefty poles to cruel husbands, corrupt politicians and crooked police chiefs in Uttar Pradesh state. Now they've threatened to thrash movie producers making a film about the gang's creator Sampat Pal too unless they like the final cut.

Spokeswoman Jaiprakash Shivhare said: "We run a group that helps women in distress. But we are sceptical as to how all of this will be shown in a film. "We also think it would be appropriate it if they can give us some compensation. We can help women with that money." Director Anubhav Sinha, said: "It's too early for anyone to talk about this film" - Orange.

Imagine being kicked up the arse and in the nads at the same time, now I'm not sure why you want to imagine that but this is what it would look like
Bloody Impressive Non-Football Story Of The Day
'A French swimmer without legs and arms has successfully swum the frigid waters separating Alaska and Russia. Philippe Croizon, whose limbs were amputated after a 1994 electrical accident, completed his swim from Alaska's Little Diomede Island to the Russian maritime border near Big Diomede Island. Mr Croizon had intended to swim all the way to the shoreline of Big Diomede, but regional Russian authorities denied him permission to enter the territory. His swim to Russian waters took about an hour and 15 minutes and he was accompanied by his friend, Arnaud Chassery. Mr Croizon uses paddle-like prosthetics to swim, and has completed crossings of the English Channel, the Red Sea and other major waterways.

'His Bering Strait swim was the last in a series of expeditions across waterways that separate continents, according to Handicap International, the non-profit organisation that helped organise the Alaska swim. "I wanted to say that we both linked the five continents despite one country's objection," said Mr Croizon. "Just to say that nothing is impossible. We can all succeed in life despite of what happens to us. There is no difference. We are all equal." He now plans to travel to London to work as a radio and television commentator during the Paralympics' - Orange.

photobomb that guy - Perfect Timing: Knight Time
Non-Football Story Of The Day
'Protesters dressed in bowler hats and black suits to stage a sit-in on toilets on an Australian beach. Titled The Coalition of the Constipated, the bizarre protest was over the lack of public toilets at Adelaide's Henley Beach. Twelve protesters carried their own toilets down to the beach, placing them in a line, before dropping their trousers and sitting. Surreal artist Andrew Baines came up with the idea, and will now paint the scene for an exhibition in January 2013. "I think this is the job of an artist to take these issues to the wider community and let people talk about it," he said.

'Beachgoers often have to ask local cafe owners to use their toilets, disturbing customers and inconveniencing the owners. Kym Hewitt, a local business owner, said he sympathised with beachgoers faced with little choice. "The public toilets are not up to scratch at all and quite often we have a lot of people coming through to the cafe, sort of not really dressed for the cafe," he said. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported that the local council is currently consulting the community about the best place to build public toilets' - Orange.
see more This is Photobomb photobomb that guy - Check this out.

Kiss Your Keyboard and Mouse Goodbye With The Leap

Since Steven Spielberg expertly crafted it a decade ago, the world has been clamoring for a user interface similar to what was found in sci-fi thriller Minority Report. Even the inkling of flipping through applications and swiping screens in mid-air made geeks tingle all over, but aside from expertly developed hacks on the Xbox Kinect, nothing definitive seemed to break through and truly give the public that enticing functionality of the future.
That is, until now. After more than five years of development, a proprietary technology has emerged that synthesizes the shape and movement of the human hand to produce movement onto a computer. It’s called The Leap — and for an astonishingly low price of $70, you can begin to control a computer with nothing more than your hands, as early as next February.

see more This

 is Photobomb photobomb that guy - Sunday Bunday: This Party Was a Blast
Understatement Of The Day
"It's not ideal but I have to remain positive" - Kevin Sheedy reacts after being diagnosed with bowel cancer. Get well soon, Kevin.

Non-Football Headline Of The Day
'Man losing pants on Winwick Road is Facebook hit' - The Warrington Guardian.

Non-Football Story Of The Day
'WJBF News Channel 6 has learned a Georgia Health Sciences University (GHSU) Lab Animal Services employee was found drunk and partially nude in a Lab Animal Services Technician locker room on Monday, August 13th. A GHSU spokesperson confirms that 2 monkeys were out of their cages in the locked Animals Services Lab. The man is identified as 32-year-old Coley Oneal Mitchell. GHSU Police officers arrested Mitchell and charged him with public drunkenness and turned him over to the Richmond County Sheriff's Office. He was then booked into the Richmond County Jail.

'In a statement sent to WJBF News Channel 6, a GHSU spokesperson says: "No animals were harmed during the incident, but the university takes the allegations very seriously. GHSU does not condone behavior that conflicts with the research, education and clinical missions of the university and employees are expected to conduct themselves, at all times, with integrity and respect." We are told the monkeys were not harmed and they were checked by a veterinarian, who reported the monkeys are fine' -

see more This is Photobomb photobomb that guy - O HAI THAR !
see more This is Photobomb

Women Who Have Unprotected Sex Are Happier, Smarter Thanks to Mood-Elevating Properties of Semen

Researchers from SUNY Albany have authored a study which claims that certain chemicals found in semen can have a positive effect on the physical and mental health of women who frequently engage in unprotected sex.
Semen is known to contain such "mood-altering chemicals" as estrone and oxytocin, which elevate mood; cortisol, which promotes affection; serotonin, which acts as an antidepressant; and melatonin, which induces sleep.
Using data obtained from an anonymous survey of 293 females on campus, Gordon Gallup and Rebecca Burch, working alongside University of Liverpool psychologist Steven Platek, were able to determine that women who engage in oral sex or have unprotected sex on a regular basiswere happier than those who practiced safe sex.
photobomb that guy - What? Fire? No, You're Supposed To Say "Cheese!"
see more This is Photobomb

Trend Alert: Take Pictures After You’ve Just Had Sex to Let Everyone Know That Sex Is Something You Hav

Sexy shoots featuring rumpled beds and steamy showers are a hot new trend within the wedding business. …[T]hese intimate photo shoots take place in newlyweds' bedrooms or even the hotels where they've spent their first night as husband and wife.

photobomb that guy - Whatchu Wearing?
see more This is Photobomb

'I heard Indian people eat with their hands still': Oprah faces backlash in India over dinner remarks

Oprah Winfrey may be known for her favourite things, but eating with her hands is clearly not one of them.
The queen of talk, 58, has ignited uproar in India after she is heard asking whether Indian people still 'eat with their hands.'
The controversial comment came as she sat down to dine with the Somani family in Mumbai.

Read more:

The excellent Dilbert

Nicole Scherzinger's personal trainer says
"Eat nothing white after 6pm".
The girl's name with the biggest jump in
popularity in the US in 2011 was Briella.
Possibly after a hairdresser in a reality
TV show called Glam Fairy.


Popular Tongue Twisters

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers?
If Peter Piper Picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

She sells seashells by the seashore.
The shells she sells are surely seashells.
So if she sells shells on the seashore,
I'm sure she sells seashore shells.

Red lorry, yellow lorry.

Which wristwatches are Swiss wristwatches?

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
If a woodchuck could chuck wood?
He would chuck, he would, as much as he could,
And chuck as much as a woodchuck would
If a woodchuck could chuck wood.

Drunk Man Catches Wife Sexting, Confers With Cats, Then Wakes Her Up With Handgun

There is nothing not weird and wonderful about this crime story out of Oregon. It involves drinking, sexting, and getting stoned while talking to cats.
And no one was injured, so we can all enjoy it guilt-free.
Thomas Paul Nunes, husband of former Oregon City police lieutenant Lisa Nunes, already had some trouble with guns. In 1995, he got drunk and stole a couple of his wife's shotguns for some aimless shooting. Thomas lost his eye when police returned fire, but somehow his marriage remained intact.
Things deteriorated over the years, however, culminating in a bizarre incident on June 23. Three weeks after Lisa's retirement from the force, the on-the-rocks couple decided to go out drinking. While bar-hopping, Lisa started getting dick pics and other sexts from a friend.
I'm 54 years old. I have a relationship with my husband that's non-existent ... I was just sexting a guy. It was no big deal.
But it was a big deal to Thomas, who said he felt "betrayed" that his wife was sexting right in front of him. And really, who wouldn't? The way he chose to handle it, though, is not so defensible.
Thomas grabbed his wife's phone and took it home, where he pored over her texts. Then he went through her Facebook to see if any attractive young men were poking her. At this point, we arrive at the article's high point, pun fully intended—
Shaken, [Thomas] said he smoked marijuana and talked to his cats for about 20 minutes to calm himself and "reason out a plan."
If you're thinking about doing something stupid, do not turn to your cats for answers. They will not talk you out of it.
Hours later, Thomas found his wife sleeping in the guest room and decided to wake her up. That's his story — it's possible he was just drunk, baked, and a terrible shot. But the bullet ended up a full foot above Lisa's head, so the "I meant to do that" defense is somewhat reasonable. Still a terrible way to wake someone up.
Then came his one smart move: Thomas decided to turn the gun over to the Oregon Police Department.
But he bungled that by entering the police station with the weapon concealed, strapped to his ankle. That is a bad idea for anyone, but especially for someone who was previously involved in a gunfight with police.
"The mind is boggled," Judge Kathie F. Steele said. Boggled — but also kind of amused, right?
Thomas has been sentenced to 10 years in prison. Lisa filed for divorce a week after the incident. She was not charged with anything, because sexting is not a crime.
The Nunes' cats were unavailable for comment.

Spanish fresco restoration botched by amateur